Kingsley C. Nwosu, Ph.D.
Publications: Conference and Journal Articles
Kingsley C. Nwosu, Kashaun Gaines, Musbah Abdulgader, Yen-Hung (Frank) Hu,
Enhancing Patient-Provider Interaction by Leveraging AI for Facial Emotion Recognition in Healthcare,
To appear: IEEE International Conference on Computer and Applications (ICCA), December 17 - 19, 2024.
Timothy Agboada, Isaac Osunmakinde, Claude Turner, Kingsley Nwosu,
Developing Facial Recognition-Based Reconnaissance to Enhance Stadium Security and Detect Banned Fans at Soccer Stadiums,
To appear: IEEE International Conference on Computer and Applications (ICCA), Dec. 17-19, 2024.
Kingsley C. Nwosu, Ibrahim Kamara, Musbah M. Abdulgader, Yen-Hung (Frank) Hu,
Data Partitioning and Storage Strategies for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications: A Review of Techniques
To appear: IEEE International Conference on Computer and Applications (ICCA), Dec. 17-19, 2024.
Anthony Doe, Musbah M. Abdulgader, Kingsley C. Nwosu, Yen-Hung (Frank) Hu,
Emotion Recognition System Using Deep Learning Algorithm
To appear: IEEE International Conference on Computer and Applications (ICCA), Dec. 17-19, 2024.
Kingsley C. Nwosu, Musbah M. Abdulgader, Yen-Hung (Frank) Hu,
Securing the Digital Frontier: A Proactive Approach to Software Development,
24th Annual IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (EIT2024), May 30 - June 1, 2024.
Kingsley Nwosu, Isaac O. Osunmakinde, Musbah M. Abdulgader,
Predictive Analytics on Used Car Prices Using Business Intelligence of Bayesian Networks for Sales Risk Reduction,
International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET 2023)
Kingsley C. Nwosu, Isaac O. Osunmakinde,
An Architectural Design for the Use of Artificial Intelligence and Biometrics to Harden Campus Environments to Mitigate Mass Shooting Incidents,
IEEE International Conference on Computer and Applications (ICCA), Nov., 2023
Oscar Ikundi, Kingsley Nwosu, Musbah Abdulgader,
LegitVote: A Blockchain-Based System to Facilitate E-Voting Process,
IEEE International Conference on Computer and Applications (ICCA), Egypt, Cairo, Dec. 2022, pp. 12-18
Kingsley C. Nwosu,
A Mobile Solution to Drug Prescription and Dispensation with Privacy Protection for Developing Economies,
JADE (Journal of Advancement in Developing Economies), Vol. 8, Issue 1, Feb., 2020.
Kingsley C. Nwosu,
Mobile Facial Recognition System for Patient Identification in Medical Emergencies for Developing Economies,
Journal of Advancement in Developing Economies (JADE), Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp:56-66, Feb., 2017.
Kingsley C. Nwosu, Okey A. Igbonagwam,
None Invasive Biometric for Patient information Satisfying Patient's Security Concerns
15th annual IEEE Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security, Boston, MA, May 10 - 12, 2016
Kingsley C. Nwosu, Okey A. Igbonagwam,
BEPOC: A Biometrics-Enabled Point-of-Care Patients and Electronic Medical Records Management System for Medical Missions,
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Healthcare Innovations and Point-of-Care Technologies Conference(HICPT'14), Seattle, WA, Oct. 2014.
Kingsley C. Nwosu,
Ubiquitous Consumer-Centric System to Combating Product Counterfeiting and Boosting Entrepreneurship in Developing Economies
Journal for the Advancement of Developing Economies (JADE), Volume 3, Issue 1, August 2014, Pages 56-67.
Okey Igbonagwam, Kingsley Nwosu
Human Kidnapping for Ransom the Probability for Cyber Kidnapping
2014 Society for Business Research (SBR) Conference, Nashville, TN, Oct. 23-25, 2014.
Kingsley C. Nwosu, Robert Seacord,
Life Cycle Activity Areas for Component-Based Software Engineering Processes,
Proc. of Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS), pp. 537-541, August 1-5, 1999, Santa Barbara, CA. (Copyright: IEEE Computer Society Press).
Kingsley C. Nwosu, Robert Seacord,
Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering Processes,
Proc. of Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS) , pp. 532-546, August 1-5, 1999, Santa Barbara, CA. (Copyright: IEEE Computer Society Press).
Cyril Orji, Donald Adjeroh, Patrick Bobbie, Kingsley C. Nwosu,
Design and Configuration Rationales for Digital Video Storage and Delivery Systems
Multimedia Tools And Applications Journal , Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1998, pp. 5-32.
Donald Adjeroh, Kingsley C. Nwosu,
Multimedia Database Management - Requirements and Issues,
IEEE Multimedia , Vol. 4, No. 3, July-Sept. 1997, pp. 24-33. (copyright: IEEE Computer Society Press)
Donald Adjeroh, Cyril Orji, Kingsley C. Nwosu, Patrick Bobbie,
Multimedia Database Management Systems
Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science (Allen Kent, Editor)
Donald Adjeroh, Cyril Orji, Kingsley C. Nwosu, Patrick Bobbie
Encyclopedia of Micro-Computers, Volume 23, pp. 345-359. Eds.: Allen Kent, James Williams
Multimedia Database Management Systems,
Kingsley C.Nwosu, B. Thuraisingham, P. Berra,
Multimedia Database Systems : A New Frontier,
IEEE Multimedia , Vol. 4, No. 3, July-Sept, 1997, pp. 21-23. (copyright: IEEE Computer Society Press)
Kingsley C. Nwosu, Cyril Orji, Donald Adjeroh,
Dynamic Reallocation of Multimedia Data Objects
Proc. 1996 Pacific Workshop on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Hong Kong, June 27-28, 1996. (copyrigth: Institute of Electrical Engineers)
Cyril Orji, Kingsley C. Nwosu,
Data Layout for Interactive Video-On-Demand Storage Systems
Proc. Eight International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE,'96), June 10-12, 1996, Lake Tahoe, Nevad.
Cyril Orji, Mario Sanchez, Kingsley C. Nwosu,
Time Mechanics as Applied to Event Ordering
Proc. IEEE S outheast Conference, Tampa, Florida, pp. 661-664, April 11-14, 1996.
Cyril Orji, Kingsley C. Nwosu, N. Rishe
Multimedia Object Storage and Retrieval
Proc International Symposium on Multimedia Systems, March 18-20, 1996, pp. 368-3 75, Yokohama, Japan.
Kingsley C. Nwosu, Cyril Orji, Bobbie Patrick,
Spatio-Temporal Effects of Multimedia Objects Storage and Delivery in Video-On-Demand Systems
Multimedia Systems Journal., Vol. 5, Number 1, Jan. 1997, ACM/Springer-verlag, pp. 39-52. (copyright: ACM Press)
Cyril Orji, Mario Sanchez, Kingsley C. Nwosu,
Veritable Time Representation for Clock Synchronization in Distributed Computing Systems
Proc. of the ISCA Intern. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS'95), Sept. 1995, pp. 85-88, Orlando, Florida.
Kingsley C. Nwosu, Patrick Bobbie, Bhavani Thuraisingham,
Data Allocation and Spatio-Temporal Implications for Video-On-Demand Systems
Proc. 14th Annual IEEE International Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications, (IPCCC'95), Scottsdale, Arizona, March 28-31, 1995. (copyright: IEEE COmmunications Society)
Kingsley C. Nwosu, Bhavani Thuraisingham,
Extending an Object-Oriented Data Model for Representing Multimedia Database Applications: A position Paper
Proceedings of OOPSLA Workshop on Precise Behavioral Specifications in Object-Oriented Information Modeling, Portland, Oregon, Oct. 24, 1994, pp. 77-83.
Kingsley C. Nwosu,
Partitioning Multimedia Objects for Optimal Allocation in Distributed Computing Systems
Proc. 2nd African Conf. on Research in Computer Science, Burkina-Faso, Oct. 1994, pp. 827-842.
Kingsley C. Nwosu,
On Complex Object Distribution Technique for Distributed Computing Systems
Proc. 6th International Conf. on Computing and Information (ICCI'94), Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, May 1994. (CD-ROM)
Kingsley C. Nwosu,
An Analytical Model of Packet-Switching Finite-Buffered Multistage Interconnection Networks
Proc. 1994 Supercomputing Symposium (SS'94): Canada's 8th Annual High Performance Computing and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, June 1994, pp. 215-225. (copyright: The Univ. of Toronto, Ontario)
Kingsley C. Nwosu, Cheng-Sheng M. Chang,
An Efficient Partitioning Strategy for Complex Objects in Distributed Computing Systems
Proc. 10th International Conf. on Advanced Science and Technology (ICAST'94), Naperville, Illinois, March 1994, pp. 83-90.
Kingsley C. Nwosu, Bhavani Thuraisingham,
Applying OMT for Designing Multimedia Information Systems Applications
Proc. IEEE Dual-Use Technologies and Applications Conf., Utica, NY., May 1994, pp. 31-37.
Kingsley C. Nwosu,
A Buffer Management Strategy for a Model of Digital Continuous Media Display
Proc. 13th Annual IEEE International Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications (IPCCC'94), Phoenix, AZ., April 1994, pp. 440-447. (copyright: IEEE Communications Society)
Kingsley C. Nwosu, C.Y.R. Chen, and P. Bruce Berra,
A Global Data Management Strategy for Distributed Computing Systems
Proc. 13th Annual IEEE International Phoenix Conf. on Computers and Communications (IPCCC'94), Phoenix, AZ., April 1994, pp. 31-39. (copyright: IEEE Communications Society)
Kingsley C. Nwosu, C.Y.R. Chen, and P. Bruce Berra,
Efficient Storage Techniques for Multimedia Objects in Distributed Multimedia Systems
Proc. International Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'93), Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, Dec. 1993, pp. 334-342. (copyright: National Taiwan Univ., Taipei.)
Kingsley C. Nwosu, C.Y.R. Chen, and P. Bruce Berra,
Multimedia Object Modeling and Storage Allocation Strategies
Special Issue of the Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (JIIS), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA., Vol. 3, No. 3/4, August 1994, pp. 357-391. (copyright: Kluwer Academic Publishers). Condensed version in CASE Center Technical Report Series, Report No. 9312, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, NY, June 1993.
Kingsley C. Nwosu,
A Design of Storage and Retrieval Schemes in a Multimedia Object Manager for Modeled Object and Efficient Multimedia Object Storage Strategies
Proc. 2nd International Conf. on Information Systems and Management of Data (CISMOD'93), New Delhi, India, Oct. 1993, pp. 200-217.
Kingsley C. Nwosu, C.Y.R. Chen, and P. Bruce Berra,
Multimedia Object Modeling and Storage Allocation Strategies for Heterogeneous Parallel Storage Devices in Real Time Multimedia Computing Systems
Proc. IEEE 17th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conf. (COMPSAC'93), Phoenix, AZ., November 1993, pp. 216-223. (copyright: IEEE Communications Society).
Kingsley C. Nwosu,
Object Modeling and Efficient Allocation of Multimedia Objects for Storage Device Architecture in Real Time Multimedia Information Processing Systems
Proc. International Symposium on Applied Computing, (ISAC): Research and Applications in Software Engineering, Databases, and Distributed Systems, Monterrey, Mexico, Oct. 1993, pp. 169-178.
.Y.R. Chen, S. Hsiao, D. Meliksetian, and Kingsley C. Nwosu,
Performance Analysis of Finite-Buffered Multistage Interconnection Networks
Proc. IEEE International Conf. on Communications (ICC'93), Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 53-57, May 1993. (copyright:IEEE Computer Society Press)
Kingsley C. Nwosu, C. Y. R. Chen, P. Bruce Berra,
Modeling and Storage Allocation Strategies for Homogeneous Parallel Access Storage Devices in Real-Time Multimedia Information Processing
Proc. IEEE 5th International Conf. on Computing and Information (ICCI'93), Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, pp. 565-569, May 1993.
Kingsley C. Nwosu, Okey Igbonagwam,
iRx: A Real-Time Interactive Medication Delivery and Management System for Under-Developed and Developing Economies
IABPAD (International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines) Conference, Dallas, TX, April 11-14, 2019
Kingsley C. Nwosu, Okey Igbonagwam,
Cyber Attacks on Critical Infrastructures- A Risk to the Nation
IABPAD (International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines) Conference, Dallas, TX, April 11-14, 2019